Monday, March 19, 2012

Interactivity #4

Lesson Plan Map Analysis

I chose this lesson plan because I feel most comfortable teaching middle school social studies. I have had a lot of experience in the middle school and high school level and I have come to find that I am meant to be a middle school teacher.There were some gaps between my lesson plan, curriculum goals, teaching strategies, and technologies. However, in my experience I've had with lesson planning and teaching, I've come to realize that you borrow resources from varied places, add your own ideas, and make the lesson your own. Although I keep the standards in mind, I frequently change/add/delete aspects of lessons I come across and make them my own. Since history can be boring for a lot of students, technology is essential in this lesson to spice it up. If students were just reading and answering questions from a text book they wouldn't be as engaged, they would probably not be learning anything, and they would have no way of expressing any creativity. I really thought using Skype was a great way to make history more interesting. I've learned how important it is that students learn from one another and Skype is a perfect way to connect with people in other cities and states with different perspectives. I really liked this lesson and how it seems like a pretty good balance of student centered and teacher centered activities. I enjoy being in front of a class and teaching students but like I said before I think students learn best when they are learning from each other.

1 comment:

  1. Trisha, I must say that in response to the comment you made about teaching middle schoolers, sometimes I feel the same way. Through having substituted many classes, I feel a special attachment to Middle Schoolers because of their ability to respect and pay attention to the teacher. However, I can also see myself teaching High School students who I can really do more detailed work with because of the age group. About your lesson, I think that using Skype to teach history is a really good idea. I am actually trying to use Skype for my READ 411 class and we are all amazed about the wonders of technology. If you can relate technology to history, they will most likely be more engaged in the material than if you just give them a lecture like most Social Studies teachers do. Thus, your lesson plan seems like it would really engage a lot of the students that need Social Studies to be a bit more fun in order to understand it.
