Monday, April 9, 2012

Interactivity #5

     I interviewed a friend of mine who works at Belleville Middle School as a Language Arts teacher. She teaches 7th and 8th graders. We have been friends for a long time and share stories about teaching and being in the classroom whenever we get together. Ms. F was hired in September of 2011 and recently worked in a special education school with autistic children. 

     I asked Ms. F if she was willing to be interviewed about the NETS. She just recently graduated from Caldwell College so I was surprised when she said she was unfamiliar. I explained that she did not need to know exactly what they were. I offered her the website to find out more about what we would be talking about.  

     Ms. F was obviously knowledgeable about the Core Curriculum Standards and we've talked many times about different ways of utilizing technology in the classroom but Belleville Middle School has yet to implement the NETS in the classrooms as of yet. She has been telling me that the main focus right now is the NJASK. Everything is about passing the tests and anything else is a far second. 

     I know Ms. F has been dying for a SmartBoard. That is what she feels most comfortable using in her classroom. She had one during student teaching and managed to use it in many of her lessons. Since she is a Language Arts teacher and teaches "lab" classes for students who did not pass the first test, a lot of her lessons focus around reading from books and practicing writing skills. Ms. F thinks the students might be more interested if they were reading from Kindles or practicing their writing on MacBooks but that is just not plausible with the budget. She says that the students have certain tutorials in the library for learning how to research but that is pretty much the extent of the technological initiatives at this point.

     Ms. F feels very strongly about technology in the classroom and about the tight scheduled curriculum. She feels that if she was not forced to teach to the test, she would have more time to add special things in to spice up the classroom. She says she's trying to at least use the projector for assignments like expository writing, etc.

     Like I said before, I was a little surprised that Ms. F was not more aware of the NETS. However, after we talked about it and after her interview she was very excited to find out more about it. She even said she was going to ask some of the other teachers if they knew anything about them. After spring break is over, I am looking forward to asking some of the teachers where I'm subbing if they know about the NETS and can help me in my education. After I get a job I'm sure the NETS will be more popular. Spending a lot of time in the teacher's lounge and the cafeteria and going to seminars about various subjects (including the use of technology) and consulting with my supervisor and other colleagues, I'm sure I'll discuss the NETS in much greater detail in the future.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


So I've been subbing every day in a high school since January and have begun to get pretty friendly with the staff. I get to hear about all the good and bad things in the life as a teacher. At some points it really frightens me while at other times I can't wait to get my own classroom and students.

While talking to some of the teachers, I've listened to stories about SmartBoards in their classrooms. Among the older teachers I chat with, some absolutely adore them, while others are nervous about the mere thought of them (and even checking their email!)

I try to put myself in the thoughts of the older teachers. They are probably set in their own ways and can't imagine how a SmartBoard can make their classrooms anymore helpful. As a new teacher, I hope to have a very long career in helping students. I pledge that not matter how difficult something may seem or close minded I might be toward a change, I will make a solid effort in keeping up with new technologies for the classroom. I've seen how students reacted to lessons when I use technology and how much it helps the learning process. I don't ever want to get "stuck in my ways" and stop learning.

So this is my pledge to stay educated, informed, and up to date (no matter how daunting the task) in order to help my students succeed!