The three most influential technologies I chose were texting, from a
cellular phone, Facebook, and Google. As far as texting goes, it can
sometimes be very beneficial. I can quickly send an important message
without interrupting a class that I'm in, or while I'm at work, or
pretty much anywhere. However, there are definitely pitfalls when it
comes to texting. Sometimes I rely too much on texting and I find that
sometimes it is hard to have an actual face to face conversation with
someone. If I'm mad it's a lot easier to fight with someone through
text messaging. I also find that messages tend to get lost in
translation. I can take something someone texted me the wrong way and
vice versa. I noticed that where I was student teaching, lot of students were using text message lingo in their writing. That definitely is a
downfall as well. All in all, texting is very convenient but should be
used with discretion.
The next influential communication technology I chose is Facebook.
Facebook is a perfect way for people to stay informed about friends,
family, and loved ones. People who live across the state, across the
country, and even across the world can stay in touch through pictures,
messages, status updates, etc. via Facebook. I know I love to talk to
people I met from Australia, England, South Africa, etc. and it is a
free and easy way to communicate. However, like texting, there are some
downfalls. There is the privacy issue as well as the issue of
addiction. I've seen many friends (and even myself in some cases!)
become extremely addicted to checking up on our pages. I am also
concerned with bullying. In the school where I did my student teaching, there
were several cases of cyberbullying via Facebook. I understand that
bullying is a huge concern and is going to happen with or without
Facebook but, students should still be informed of the consequences of
sharing too much information via Facebook, or any other social
networking website. Just like texting, Facebook is a very convenient
form of communication but it should also be used with caution.
The final most influential communication technology I chose was
Google. As far as communication is concerned, maybe there is not that
much going on. However, there is certainly a lot of students "googling"
information and communicating it to other students. Google is a great
way to find a quick answer. It is extremely convenient and easy to use,
just like texting and Facebook. If you need a answer quick. "Just
Google it." I hear this so much through out the day. But thank
goodness, my cooperating teacher did not fall into the Googling hype.
As a future history teacher I agree with his tactic. Students need to
research answers, not just type it in and get the answer. They really
need to look hard to find what they are searching for and find the
truth for themselves. At times, Google can make students lazy because
there is literally no work involved. Of course I believe Google is a
great tool to use for finding simple answers, but I believe we must
teach or students to not take it for granted, as if what Google says is
the be all and end all.
In conclusion, all of these technologies have greatly impacted by
life, for better and for worse. As long as we teach students to use them
in the proper way, and not take advantage, I believe we can
successfully incorporate these technologies in the classroom. I believe
that I definitely relate to the students in the videos, as well as
students in my classes. I text, use facebook, google, etc. and I know
they do as well. It is up to me to utilize technology responsibly in
order to appear as a role model to the students using their